To be honest - I only bought Deadlands (the first in the Mall Rats series) because I was looking for a replacement for Twilight. You have to understand one thing - I suffer from OED (Obsessive Edward Disorder) and I love all things Twilight but because Stephenie Meyer decided to leave Bella and my Edward to indulge in their happy ending, I was stuck reading the book over and over while looking for new people to infect with my obsession!
Then I joined The Wall after I heard about their Mall Rats competition! After reading about the series I knew I just had to have it! I struggled to find it in Middelburg but I'm sure people in big cities won't have a problem. Just take my advice - if you go out and buy Deadlands, get Death of a Saint (the second masterpiece written by Mom and Savannah) as well. You are going to slice through the pages with your brain like Ash slices through a Rotter's neck with his panga and chances are you're going to finish the first part during the night and then you will have to wait (like me) for the bookstore to open the next day so you can get lost in Lele's mind once more...
I like the fact that the story is written from Lele's point of view (and in Death of a Saint you get a few chapters from Saint's perspective). You feel consumed by the whole post-war zone thing and you're a bit disappointed when you have to return to the real world and remind yourself that the zombies didn't take over the world and the Guardians didn't destroy Cape Town!
Don't try to predict what's going to happen next as the mom and daughter writing duo have added in some bizarre twists that you can't even begin to imagine! All I can say is that I've been without my Mall Rats fix for almost 24 hours and I still find myself thinking of it. I'm not sure I'll be able to wait until the next installment and neither will you.