Jan Braai’s Famous TV-Show Pizza

This entry was posted on 12 September 2024.

Famous TV-Show Pizza

by Jan Braai

from Atmosfire


“I initially made this on my TV show, Jan Braai vir Erfenis, many years ago and it became famous overnight. In those first few weeks after the episode aired, many supermarkets sold out of ready-made pizzas on a daily basis, it was that in demand!”







"The possibilities for toppings are endless and you can use any of your favourite off-the-shelf pizzas, even two different ones.
I first published a slightly different version of this concept in my book Shisanyama quite a while back and it has been widely
copied by others over time, but you saw it here first. Enjoy!”



Ingredients (Feeds 2–4)

 2 fresh store-bought pizzas (uncooked but prepared, with the  toppings of your choice)


 extra toppings (like feta cheese, mushrooms, ham, salami or whatever you like on your pizza)



Light a fire and wait until the coals are medium heat. You want the same heat level that you would braai your braaibroodjies over.

Add any extra toppings you like to one of the pizzas, then cover with the second pizza so the fillings face inwards and you end up with a pizza ‘sandwich’.

Place the pizza sandwich in your hinged grid, close the grid tightly, then braai the pizza, turning it often, just like you would do with a braaibroodjie. You want the outside to be toasted and crispy and the cheese on the inside to be completely melted.

Once you have achieved the perfect pizza, take it off the grid, slide it onto a wooden board and slice. Serve immediately.




Jan Braai's French Toast Braaibroodjies



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