
Extract: Tannie Maria and the Satanic Mechanic by Sally Andrew
18 May 2021
Everybody’s favourite agony aunt and crime fighter Tannie Maria needs some counselling advice of her own. Lingering troubles from a previous marriage still sit heavy on her, while fresh worries about Slimkat, a local man whose fight for his people’s land threatens his life, keep her up at night. Tannie Maria seeks out counsellor,...
Extract: Recipes for Love and Murder by Sally Andrew
18 May 2021
Meet Tannie Maria: She's fifty-something, short and soft (perhaps a bit too soft in the wrong places) with brown curls and untidy Afrikaans. She is also the agony aunt for the local paper, the Klein Karoo Gazette. One day, her life takes a sinister turn when a woman in the area is murdered and she becomes entangled in the investigation... to...
Extract: The Scandalous Times of a Book Louse by Robert Muponde
12 May 2021
Laughter guaranteed with this poetic and poignant coming-of age story of Ronald Guramatunhu, the rural Zimbabwean boy who devours words.   “SOMETIMES, MR RG MUWENGWA LURED US INTO WORKING FOR HIM whilst he told his stories. He was a genius when it came to telling ones that were all too familiar but became new and strange with each...
Uittreksel: Vier susters deur Gerda Taljaard
10 May 2021
’n Verhaal van vier susters en hoe die Tweede Wêreldoorlog hul onderlinge verhoudings beïnvloed. En dan kom ’n Italiaanse krygsgevangene op hul geboorteplaas aan.   “DIE PAARTJIES WAT BEATRICE EN BOAS IN AUCKLANDPARK ONTMOET, is anders as dié in Westdene. Hulle hou skemerkelkie-aande, nie vleisbraaie...
Extract: The Promise by Damon Galgut
05 May 2021
There is nothing unusual or remarkable about the Swart family, oh no, they resemble the family from the next farm and the one beyond that, just an ordinary bunch of white South Africans, and if you don’t believe it then listen to us speak... Over large jumps in time, people get older, faces and laws and lives all change, while a brother and...


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