Authors & Events

Moving through uncertainty with determination and confidence
18 June 2021
When things change dramatically, they rarely, if ever, go back to ‘normal’. Disruption demands that we let go of the past and step into a new way of being.   In her book Future-Proof Yourself, human-potential and parenting expert Nikki Bush provides simple but effective lessons and frameworks to help you future-proof yourself to...
Can you imagine holding a fully-grown shark in the palm of your hand?
17 June 2021
With Shark Awareness Day coming up on the 14th of July, David A. Ebert, shark expert and co-author of A Pocket Guide to the Sharks of the World, weighs in on the ocean’s most elusive, dangerous and fascinating predator.   “THE PUBLIC’S PERCEPTION OF SHARKS often conjures up images of a large, fearsome, toothy predator,...
Q&A with Scorpion author Christian Cantrell
28 May 2021
Christian Cantrell is a software engineer living outside of Washington, D.C. His self-published fiction has sold more than a quarter of a million copies, and three of his stories have been optioned for film or TV. Beyond his writing, he leads a team of designers and engineers who prototype the future of creativity at Adobe.   In this Q&...
In Conversation with Limerence Author Vincent Pienaar
25 May 2021
Just like Vincent Pienaar’s novel Too Many Tsunamis, Limerence  is a warm-hearted and funny tale. The Penguin Post spoke with Vincent about getting limerenced, dark humour and the person who inspired the scoundrel Scout.   PP: Where did you first get to know the word ‘limerence’? VP: By sheer...
One Minute with Daisy Jones & The Six author Taylor Jenkins Reid
25 May 2021
Jenkins Reid’s new novel, Malibu Rising has the same evocative sense of period and place, combined with a fantastically flawed and relatable heroine, that made her 2019 novel, Daisy Jones & The Six a bestseller. Here, she chats about ‘80s music, her love for Malibu and the enigmatic Riva family.   Q. There’s a distinct...


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