Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate! Whether you're craving classic
comfort or innovative creations, treating yourself or sharing with loved ones,
these recipes promise to satisfy your sweet tooth and ignite your passion for
all things cocoa. We've curated an array of tantalising options from authors
such as Sarah Graham, Zola Nene, Nigella Lawson and the Beer Country
guys, Karl Tessendorf and Greg Gilowey. And there are even some options
for the more health-conscious! Take a look at these mouthwatering creations,
but be ready for the cravings to hit.
Chocolate, tahini and bananas two ways
From Cook, Eat, Repeat by Nigella Lawson
Chocolate Flaxseed Flapjacks
From Mindful Eating by Izelle Hoffman
Microwave Chocolate-Coffee Cake
“Dessert for one can be quite tricky to pull off, especially when all you crave is a piece of cake. It doesn’t make any sense to put the oven on and bake an entire cake just for yourself, so this mug cake is just the thing. Mix everything in the bowl, blast in the microwave and that sweet craving is taken care of … until the next time.”
Gooey Chocolate Puddings
From Temptations by Prim Reddy & Niranj Pather
“You can make these little pots of deliciousness up to two hours in advance. Once you’ve filled your cups or ramekins, cover them and chill in the fridge until ready to bake.”
Chocolate Orange Crème Brulée
Chocolate and Hazelnut Brownie Bread with Berries and Ice Cream
From Blackouts & Boerewors by Karl Tessendorf & Greg Gilowey
Citrus and Chocolate Ganache Dutch Baby
From Pots, Pans & Potjies by Karl Tessendorf and Greg Gilowey
“Halfway between a pancake and a Yorkshire pudding, the Dutch Baby is puffy and crusty, yet soft and chewy. We’ve gone sweet on this one with an awesome complementary Darling Brew Black Mist pairing, though savoury options are also epic.”
Rob’s Sunday Crepes
From Good + Simple by Sarah Graham
“If we find ourselves with an unhurried Sunday morning, this is our favourite-favourite family breakfast. Rob usually doubles the recipe and gets two pans on the go (and most of our other kitchen utensils!) to make as many of these as he can. Then we greedily gobble them topped either with the classic combination of lemon juice and cinnamon sugar, or lashings of Nutella and sliced strawberries and raspberries.”
Buttermilk Flapjacks
From Low Carb Express by Vikkie de Beer
“These little flapjacks are quick to make and very versatile. Serve warm with whipped cream and berries.”
Mini Chocolate Braai Pies
From Mynie Plays with Fire by Mynie Steffens
“Trust South Africans to take classic puff pastry than can take up to five hours to make and whack it onto a braai. Just one example of how South Africans make Frenchie things better by bending the rules.”
Gluten-free Beany Chocolate Cake
From The Flexitarian Foodie by Jax Moorcroft
“If possible, bake the cake the night before and store it in the fridge overnight.”
Happy Heart'beet' Cupcakes
From Low Carb is Lekker Three by Iné Reynierse
“Your heart will thank you for supporting it with these cupcakes, which are full of the goodness of beetroot.”
Chocolate Mousse Pie
From Sifo: The Cooking Husband by Sinoyolo Sifo
“When I am hosting dinner at my house, this is my favourite dessert to make. The mousse has a rich chocolate flavour and very smooth texture. I usually add cream on top to balance out the sweetness.”
Uit Huiskos deur Herman Lensing
“Die wonder van my werk is dat ek op baie vreemde plekke moes kook en kosmaak. Mense sal my nie glo nie: langs ’n stopstraat, op die grond by die Vryfees in Bloem, op ’n hawemuur, langs die vuilgoedhoop, in die veld tussen honderde rooimiere. Dit het selfs al gebeur dat ’n vark my op my kuit byt terwyl ek moes kook! Maar die beste plek om te kook en die eenvoud van ’n resep te verstaan, is wanneer jy in jou hotelkamer voorbereiding vir môreoggend se demonstrasie moet doen. Want die lys van apparate tot jou beskikking is min of meer so: ketel, koppies, teelepels, kroegyskas en as jy gelukkig is ’n onbytpapbakkie (maar dis luuks!) So vlieg ek Pretoria toe vir ’n kosdemonstrasie vir Pretoria FM. Geland, inkopies gedoen en ek besef die tert is op die spyskaart en ek moet een hê om te wys hy is gestol en dan versier. Dan begin jy kook: koekies word fyngemaak in ’n Checkers-sak met jou skoen se hak. Room maak jy warm deur dit in ’n koppie te gooi en die Koppie in die kokende ketel te plaas. Sjokolade smelt jy op dieselfde manier, en karamel en room word ook in die ketel gesmelt. Alles geroer met ’n teelepel en ’n vurk. So as iemand ooit kla dat hy niks in sy huis het om nagereg te maak nie, hier is ’n resep!”
Nutella-Gevulde Plaatkoekies
Uit Kosbaar deur Elmarie Berry
“Wat ’n lieflike manier om ’n Sondagoggend te begin met ’n koppie stomende koffie en varsgebakte plaatkoekies gevul met Nutella. Dit is my kinders se gunstelingontbyt en so maklik om te maak. Probeer gerus die resep en maak jou gesin se harte bly!”
20 Mouth-watering Lamb Recipes That Will Transform Your Easter