News & Reviews
Louise Stevenson reviews Year of the Gherkin
13 March 2012
Set in Cape Town, the main character is Jason Brydon - "Jase" to his friends. The downsides for Jason: he hates his job as a paint salesman almost as much as he hates his boss, his credit card is maxed out, his dad is an alcoholic and he doesn’t wish to talk about his sister. And to top it all off he is looking for the perfect...
Review of Ally Condie's Crossed
07 March 2012
I was fortunate enough to be able to read Matched and Crossed straight after each other and I'm so glad that I did. Having been left with a major cliff-hanger in the first book, I was very anxious to continue Cassia's story in Crossed. With good pacing and a lot of action, it's the perfect sequel, complete with yet another annoyingly...
Win some beautiful Classics
27 February 2012
These are books that belong on every bookshelf and we love their vibrant, modern covers (which were redesigned under the Puffin imprint). Austen's Pride and Prejudice is an eye-catching cerise while Bram Stoker's Dracula features a ghostly blonde in a white dress, floating on a sea of black. All of them have delicate silver foiling and...
Me Before You: a Review
17 February 2012
Our Social Media Manager Belinda tells us her thoughts:
Let me know just blurt it out, right from the start. Me Before You is one of the most emotional, heart-wrenching books I’ve read in the past few years. It is women’s fiction but I wouldn’t dare called it ‘chick-lit’, in the traditional sense.
It has most of the...
Our Books hit the Big Screen
03 February 2012
Our Social Media Manager Belinda tells us what she thinks:
We all know that feeling. A book you just LOVED has been made into a movie and you simply can't wait to see it. The actors they're using aren't exactly how you imagined them but still, you're clutching your popcorn in excitement as the lights dim and the music starts...