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Time of the Swallows

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July 2022
About the book: 
Anele Dlamini’s life has been turned upside down.
In this Coming-of-Age novel set over the course of one summer in KwaZulu Natal, Anele discovers that life is full of challenges and together with her family learns to adjust to unforeseen circumstances.
Like the swallows’ seasonal visitation, Anele realises that time on earth is short. Little did she know how short it could be.
CLICK HERE to read the first chapter
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About the Author
Dianne Stewart has published a number of Penguin Random House books. They include Wisdom from Africa,  a collection of African proverbs;  Durban in a Word,  which she compiled and edited; and a number of children’s books. These include  The Zebra’s Stripes and other African Animal Tales,  Folktales from Africa  and  The Guinea-Fowl’s Spots and other African Bird Tales.  She has a B.A. Hons in African Languages, a M.A. in South African Literature and a M.A. in Creative Writing.  

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