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Made with Love and Plants: Simple and Delicious Plant-based Recipes

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January 2021
About the book: 
As a director of Meat-free Mondays in Australia and South Africa, it’s Tammy Fry’s mission to enable others to live a happier and more energetic lifestyle through plant-based eating.
Through her blog ( and lifestyle workshops she has become a key influencer and thought leader in the plant-based, health and wellness world of holistic nutrition.  Made With Love & Plants  will not only present more than 75 wholefood, plant-based recipes, all beautifully photographed and styled, but also provide detailed yet easy-to-follow guidance on living the plant-based lifestyle. Tammy particularly understands how challenging the change to such a diet can be, and is there with helpful support and tips to make the journey easier. The recipes will encompass a full range of meals from breakfast through to treats, and for family and entertaining.
Contents: My story; Part 1: Why a plant-based diet?, Common questi ons and challenges (and their answers, How to transition to a plant-based diet, Healthy eating on a plant-based diet, Good health made simple, The Blue Zones and longevity, Conscious eating, Navigating the supermarket and decoding labels, Vegan parenting 101, Must-have kitchen equipment, Healthy and plant based on a budget, The pantry; Part 2 (recipes): Breakfasts, Light Meals, Family Dinners, Plants on Fire, Batch Cooks 101, Treats
Other titles by this author 

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