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Eben Venter

Eben Venter’s seven critically acclaimed novels include My Beautiful DeathTrencherman,  and Wolf, Wolf.  He is also the author of two books of short stories and a collection of columns, and his work can be read in Afrikaans, English, Dutch and German. Raised on a sheep farm in the Eastern Cape, he migrated to Australia in 1986. Over the years he has won numerous awards for his work, including the prominent KykNet-Rapport Prize. Green as the Sky is Blue  was written in partial fulfilment of a PhD in Creative Writing at the University of Queensland.

Titles by this author

A mountain of flesh she is, this Decima, as she lies. She summons her strength to rise, all...

In die Oos-Kaapse veld maak ’n skrywer haar in sy verbeelding staan: Vir Decima...
In die Oos-Kaapse veld maak ’n skrywer haar in sy verbeelding staan: Vir Decima...

A mountain of flesh she is, this Decima, as she lies. She summons her strength to rise, all...

Simon Avend, a South African living in Australia, can be unruly. He often sets out to exotic...
Simon Avend, a South African living in Australia, can be unruly. He often sets out to exotic...