Pippa Green is a South African journalist and writer who began her career in 1982 reporting on the trade union and anti-apartheid resistance movement for The Argus in Cape Town. She first met Manuel in 1980, when he rose to prominence in the Western Cape civic movement, and was fascinated then by his combination of combativeness and thoughtfulness, of empathy and acerbity. For this book, she conducted hours of interviews with Manuel over a period of four years, as well as with his family and friends, his comrades and critics, and his colleagues in the Treasury and cabinet.
Born in Cape Town in 1958, Green was educated at the University of Cape Town and at Columbia University in New York. Her work has been published widely in magazines and newspapers in South Africa and the United States. She has been a deputy editor of The Sunday Independent and Pretoria News and Head of Radio News at the South African public broadcaster. She was a recipient of the Nieman Fellowship at Harvard in 1999, and was Ferris Visiting Professor of Journalism at Princeton University in 2006.
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