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Whole - Bowl Food for Balance

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April 2018
About the book: 
Whole: Bowl Food for Balance  is all about healing your relationship with food. Food is not the enemy and neither is your body. Taking the time to get to know your body, treating it with respect and nourishing it with real fresh food is the single most important thing you can do for yourself. Eating mindfully, cutting out processed foods and embracing the foods that fuel you and leave you feeling energised are all part of the journey to finding happiness with food.
The nearly 90 recipes included in this book are packed with nourishment, providing healthy, balanced and easy meals in a bowl. Many of the recipes are vegan or vegetarian, or can easily be adapted to suit either lifestyle choice. But there is plenty for the meat-eater too, with the added bonus that not only does the food look inviting and uplifting for the soul, it’s good for your body too. There are also snippets of information about some of the ingredients to inform your food choices and why eating fresh, whole foods will benefit you.
Download these delicious Whole: Bowl Food for Balance  recipes :
Other titles by this author 
About the Author
Melissa Delport is a Cape Town-based food photographer and blogger who loves to travel. Her food career started when she entered a cooking competition in South Africa. Her love of food was born while learning to cook at her mother’s and grandmother’s knees. After years as a fad dieter, Melissa discovered the path to health
and wellbeing. Linking this directly to food and working with health coach Nikita Stallbom, Melissa’s new mindset of mindful consumption was integrated into her food philosophy. Learning to release fear around mealtimes, coupled with her knowledge of food and a desire to share this way of eating, the concept of WHOLE – Bowl Food for Balance  was born, Melissa’s first cookbook. 

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