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Too Many Tsunamis: A tale of love, light, and incidental humour

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October 2018
About the book: 
Life’s a drag, and nobody knows that better than Bert. Bert wants to write. He also wants to kill himself. He has composed a brilliant suicide note, but so far his attempt at a brilliant suicide is as devoid of success as his writing career. Not wanting to die wondering if his mother will fully comprehend his note, Bert sets out to explain himself – in a footnote. A footnote that keeps growing and growing like a monster wave.
Bert carries on living, for now, recounting his string of doomed relationships, and bemoaning his dead-end job in a printing shop, and the fact that he’s 34 and still living with his mother.
But into the shop walks the mysterious Lelani Balt – Lightning Bolt – and sparks begin to fly. Bert might finally have something to write about.
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About the Author

Vincent Pienaar is a journalist and writer, author of the novel Too Many Tsunamis. He lives and works in Johannesburg.

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