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Snakes and other Reptiles of Kruger

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May 2024
About the book: 
Besides being a world-famous game-viewing destination, the Kruger National Park also boasts a remarkable diversity of reptiles.
This beginner-friendly guide features over 60 species of snake, lizard, terrapin, tortoise and crocodile, with basic identification pointers, interesting facts and notes on best viewing. Learn more about the black mamba, puff adder, boomslang and other dangerously venomous snakes, as well as harmless creatures such as egg-eaters and blind snakes. Find out how to the identify the geckos, agamas and skinks that dart around camp, and discover the habits of the Nile crocodiles and water monitors, which bask along the waterways.
A richly illustrated, beginner-friendly guide – ideal for visitors keen to identify and learn more about the park’s reptiles.
Other titles by this author 
About the Author
Johan Marais is an entrepreneur, naturalist and photographer and has contributed significantly to reptile conservation over the past 35 years. He has authored several books, including the best-selling A Complete Guide to Snakes of Southern Africa, and runs the African Snakebite Institute. He spends most of his time lecturing on reptiles and teaching the public about snake awareness, including how to handle snakes safely.
Johan Marais is ’n entrepreneur, natuurkenner en fotograaf wat die afgelope 35 jaar aansienlik tot reptielbewaring bygedra het. Hy is die skrywer van verskeie boeke, waaronder die topverkoper, ’n Volledige Gids tot die Slange van Suider-Afrika, en bestuur die Afrika Slangbytinstituut. Hy bestee die meeste van sy tyd aan toeligting oor reptiele en om slangbewustheid by die publiek te kweek, ook hoe om slange veilig te hanteer.

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