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The Selfish Shongololo

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May 2017
About the book: 
Shongololo is a greedy little worm who lives happily in his garden but refuses to share it with anyone. In fact, he is proud of the fact that he has no friends. Then one day, disaster strikes when a hungry eagle decides that Shongololo will make a juicy snack! After his nastiness, will the other garden creatures want to rescue Shongololo?
Young readers will be drawn into the drama of this tale of selfishness, kindness, and compassion, accompanied by imaginative and colourful illustrations.
Other titles by this author 
About the Author
Vanessa Tedder is a former radio and television news journalist based in Durban.
After over a decade with the SABC and eTV she is now a full-time mom to a very busy little toddler and a baby.

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