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The Raft

Trade Paperback
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May 2015
About the book: 
"The day every person on earth lost his and her memory was not a day at all. In people's minds there was no actual event … and thus it could be followed by no period of shock or mourning. There could be no catharsis. Everyone was simply reset to zero."

On day zero, humankind collectively lost its memory. The collapse of civilisation was as instantaneous as it was inevitable. For a man named Kayle Jenner, confined by a regime to a commune on a remote beach, all that remains is the vague and haunting vision of a son … That, and a wooden raft.
It is a raft that will set Kayle on a journey across a broken world to find his son. 
Braving a landscape of elusive encounters, a maze of other people's dreams, and muddled memories, Kayle will discover more than just his lost past. He will discover the truth behind Day Zero – a truth that makes both fools and gods of men.
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About the Author
Fred Strydom studied Film and Media at the University of Cape Town. He has taught English in South Korea and has published a number of short stories. He currently works as a television writer and producer in Johannesburg, where he lives with his wife, three dogs, cat and horse.

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