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Percy Jackson en die Olimpiers 01: Weerligdief

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March 2021
About the book: 

Percy Jackson is op die punt om uit sy kosskool geskop te word … al weer. En dis die minste van sy probleme. Die afgelope tyd maak allerhande mitologiese monsters en die gode van Olimpus hul opwagting in Percy se lewe, asof hulle so reg uit die blaaie van ’n handboek oor die Griekse mitologie gestap kom. Boonop is ’n paar van hulle woedend vir hom. Zeus  se meesterweerligstraal is gesteel, en Percy is die hoofverdagte.

Nou het Percy en sy vriende net tien dae om Zeus se gesteelde eiendom op te spoor en terug te besorg, anders gaan daar oorlog op die berg Olimpus uitbreek. Maar as hy sy heldetaak wil voltooi, sal Percy meer moet doen as net die dief vastrek hy sal vrede moet maak met die pa wat hom nie wou hê nie; hy sal die raaisel van die Orakel moet oplos, wat hom waarsku dat ’n vriend hom gaan verraai, en hy sal ’n konkelplan moet probeer fnuik wat magtiger as die gode self is.

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About the Author

Rick Riordan is a teacher and a writer, and has won many awards for his mystery novels for adults. He says that the idea for Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief  first came to him while he was teaching Greek mythology at middle school in San Francisco. But rumour has it that Camp Half Blood actually exists, and Rick spends his summers there recording the adventures of young demigods. Some believe that, to avoid a mass panic among the mortal population, he was forced to swear on the River Styx to present Percy Jackson's story as fiction. Rick lives in Texas (apart from his summers on Half Blood Hill) with his wife and two sons.

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