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Odd Animals Out

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May 2024
About the book: 

Most types of animals are similar to their close relatives, but what about the rebels and the rule-breakers of the animal kingdom? Discover more than 75 creatures that truly stand out from the crowd, with the nature enthusiast and best-selling author Ben Hoare.

From a vegetarian shark and a solar-powered salamander, to a flying frog and a bone-munching bird, this book is all about the "odd ones out" in the natural world. Get acquainted with quirky animal outliers around the world, and find out what these non-conformists do to survive in the wild, and how they have evolved over time. Presenting these recent discoveries, Ben Hoare's friendly, informative explanations are paired with stunning photographs and charming illustrations to make sure every page captivates the imagination.

Odd Animals Out is a book full of surprises, allowing you to explore the unusual stories of animals unlike any others.

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