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July 2016
About the book: 

'n Grieselige gesig begroet speuradjudant Storm van der Merwe en haar hond op Grootbaai se strand: die lyk van 'n jong joernalis - sonder haar arm. Vir die kusdorpie se inwoners is dit slegte nuus; lyke wat rondle kan die haaiduikbedryf waarvoor Grootbaai beroemd is, erge skade berokken. Storm se hande jeuk om die saak te ondersoek.

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About the Author

Irna van Zyl is the author of the popular thrillers  Dead in the Water  and  Death Cup.  She is an award- winning journalist and media entrepreneur who headed up the magazines De Kat, Insig  and  Boeke-Insig.  Before becoming a full-time writer, she was the executive director of a leading marketing agency. Irna was awarded the Order of Tafelberg for her business achievements. She lives in Cape Town.

Photograph © Joanne Olivier.

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