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Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know 02: Bad

Trade Paperback
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September 2018
About the book: 

The second book in the Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know  trilogy featuring Alvie Knightly. Optioned for film by Universal Studios.

Alvie Knightly is back... and she's hungover.

When Alvie discovers that her hitman boyfriend has driven off with the Lamborghini and two million euros, she does what any heartbroken, deserted, amateur assassin would do - she drinks everything in the mini-bar and trashes her hotel room. And then she gets to work.
A perilous cat-and-mouse game takes the pair across Rome, leaving a trail of collateral damage in their wake. But as she wholeheartedly embraces her dark side Alvie will have to figure out if Nino is her nemesis... or the only man bad enough to handle her.
Bad  is the second book in the sexy, shocking and compulsively readable Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know  trilogy.
Other titles by this author 

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