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Kaptein Pipskwiek

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October 2020
About the book: 

In die vernuwende strokiesboek  Kaptein Pipskwiek  moet die bleeksiel Danie skielik ’n geweldige taak aanpak: om die aarde teen ’n gevaarlike aanvaller te beskerm. Nou dra hy ’n kostuum en kan hy selfs vlieg – hy is ’n gemaskerde superheld! Alles is egter nie net pret en avontuur nie, want dit gaan sleg by die huis. Danie se stiefpa en -broer gee hom probleme en verder wil dit lyk of sy ma sieker raak elke keer as hy in Kaptein Pipskwiek verander. Hoe kan hy dan die dorp red? Hy sal vinnig die regte besluite moet neem...

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About the Author

Francois Bloemhof has had a prolific career, having written for adults, teenagers and children for more than 25 years. He has received numerous awards, including De Kat, FNB, ATKV, Kagiso and Sanlam prizes.

His is also a career of firsts: he wrote the first novel to be published with an original CD soundtrack composed by the author, the first book with its own computer game and the first ever e-book in Afrikaans. He has also produced work for film, TV, the stage and radio. He is a full-time writer when not attending to four demanding cats. Double Echo is his 24th novel for adults.

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