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It's All About the Food

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September 2022
About the book: 
Author Estelle Sacharowitz reveals that she thinks about food all the time. ‘And as I wonder what it’s all about, and why I do what I do, I realise that it’s all about us. It’s about you, it’s about me, it’s about people. It’s about our complexities, memories and sweetness. It’s about trying to capture time in a form that is familiar, comforting and definite … It’s about creativity and curiosity. It’s about needs, primal and necessary, and also emotional.’
And as a magician waving a wand, Estelle distils this into an array of dishes that feed both body and soul in the most delightful and tempting manner. From humble but comforting soups, through nourishing bowls and elegant meals to impress, to bountiful platters, you won’t be able to resist.
Simply submit and enjoy. And as Estelle says, ‘Make and eat something that causes you to stop and think, this is wonderful. Life is full of wonder.’
Other titles by this author 

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