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How to get a SARS refund (New Edition)

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September 2021
About the book: 
How to Get a SARS Refund is for people who derive their income from salaried employment and wish to utilise the tax laws in South Africa to maximise their refund from the South African Revenue Service (SARS) upon filing their annual tax return. The new edition contains updated examples with the latest tax rates to illustrate the amount of tax that the reader will pay on their salary from 1 March 2021.
The book also provides updates on changes to tax legislation relevant to salaried individuals so that the reader can stay up to date with what has changed and understand how this affects their ability to reduce their tax liability and increase their chances of getting a refund from SARS.
The book also helps readers to navigate their way through the annual income return (ITR12) for individuals as they complete the return via eFiling. Topics include the basics of understanding individual tax, deductions from taxable income, medical tax credits and individual tax. It also deals with the types of taxes a salaried taxpayer may become liable for, including dividends tax, tax on interest earned, capital gains tax and provisional tax.
How to Get a SARS Refund is a simple, easy-to-understand guide on how to get the most bang for your buck from the taxman.
Other titles by this author 
About the Author
Daniel Baines is an admitted attorney with a Bachelor of Arts, LLB and MComm (in taxation) from Rhodes University. He works for P.W. Harvey & Co. as a tax consultant and legal advisor. His current position entails tax consulting, in-house legal advice and managing the firm’s deceased estates department. Daniel is a regular contributor of tax articles to The Herald  newspaper and has had two of his tax articles published in the Sunday Times

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