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Help! There's a Guest at My Table

Trade Paperback
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September 2018
About the book: 
A generation of young adults have come to know, love and depend on Help! There’s a Stove in My Kitchen, Annabel Frere’s first cookbook. That same generation has graduated to the young professionals who now need to entertain on a somewhat more sophisticated level. Author Annabel has been through all these stages with her own daughters and once again provides a repertoire of tasty and relatively simple recipes for events ranging from impromptu gatherings to well-organised occasions.
Much emphasis is placed on good planning, as well as preparing foods in advance so that the cook can spend as much time with his or her guests, rather than in the kitchen on the day itself. Attention is also given to texture and presentation, with plenty of tips and suggestions for effortless entertaining. Where dishes may seem to be more complicated, Annabel is an expert at demystifying them. And of course, no party is complete without the right liquid accompaniments so there is a chapter on some delicious cocktails, both with and without alcohol.
Contents: Getting organized; Useful information; Raising the spirits; Sauces and relishes; Snacks and finger foods; Starters; Main courses; Side dishes; Desserts; Index
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About the Author
When her younger daughter was in high school, Annabel Frere was asked to run the school tuck-shop. Together with voluntary helpers, they devised wholesome daily menus and shared each other's foolproof recipes. Many of the mothers at the school expressed interest in a cookbook aimed at school leavers and young adults, and so the idea for Help! There's a Stove in My Kitchen was born.
Annabel Frere is genader om die skoolsnoepwinkel te bestuur toe haar jongste dogter in die hoërskool was. Saam met vrywillige helpers het sy daarin geslaag om voedsame, daaglikse spyskaarte op te stel en hulle het onder mekaar beproefde resepte uitgeruil. Talle ma's by die skool het hul belangstelling in ’n kookboek vir skoolverlaters en jong volwassenes uitgespreek en vandaar die idee vir Help! Daar's ’n stoof in my kombuis.

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