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The Great Divide

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June 2016
About the book: 
Why has inequality increased in the Western world - and what can we do about it? With his characteristic blend of clarity and passion, Joseph Stiglitz argues that inequality is a choice, the cumulative result of unjust policies and misguided priorities - a choice that we don't have to make. 
'I urge you to read this book . . . His approach is refreshing, and his analysis is not only level-headed but also accompanied by proposals for achievable solutions . . . may just help us to find a new way forward.' Victoria Bateman, The Times Higher Education
'Joseph Stiglitz is the world's foremost critic of economic and political inequality.' Andrew Anthony, Observer
'His diagnoses and prognoses take on new urgency in this time of increasing disparity.' Kirkus Reviews
'An insanely great economist.' Paul Krugman, The New York Times
Other titles by this author 

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