The Feathered Five
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April 2025
About the book:
Discover the vibrant world of African birds in this enchanting tale!
Join The Feathered Five on an unforgettable adventure as they navigate the cacophony of the African savanna.
Enough was enough, the birds woke up grumpy and mad, as they let the noise of the Hadedas’ turn a good start to bad! (We’ve heard it before, a call on repeat, an annoying sound that is far from discreet!) Tired and frustrated, now running late, many birds concerned they might miss a very special date. For today was a day of great celebration, as they had a party to attend for the Yellow-billed Kites’ homecoming migration. Excuse after excuse, the exhausted Secretary Bird had a hard time remembering their reasons for delay.
Will the birds finally arrive for the Yellow-billed Kites’ special day?