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Deadly Benefits

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August 2024
About the book: 
Gabriel Laucus has lost his job and his parent’s home is about to be repossessed. Desperate and on the brink of financial ruin, he devises a risky insurance scam to salvage his crumbling life. This sets in motion a catastrophic chain of events.
Soon, Gabriel and his friends have a psychopathic hitman, a ruthless drug lord, and a relentless investigator on their tail. As Gabriel navigates a world of fraud and dangerous alliances, he must outwit his pursuers and confront the harrowing repercussions of his choices.
Deadly Benefits  is a heart-pounding journey through the high-stakes game of survival. The price of one wrong move could mean life or death.
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About the Author

Kurt Ellis  is a scriptwriter and author of two novels,  By Any Means  and In the  Midst of Wolves.  He holds a master’s in creative writing from the University of the Witwatersrand. Ellis won the Harry Oppenheimer Creative Writing Award during his graduate degree and the WGSA Muse Award in 2021 for Best Unproduced Television Series Script. He lives in Johannesburg with his family

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