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Badass Trader

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July 2023
About the book: 
Trading is the hardest way to make easy money!
New traders are often led to believe that trading must be easy, which is true to some extent; it has certainly never been easier to trade. Barriers to entry are low, and you have unlimited earning power. You can trade whenever and wherever you like, using any of the numerous markets that are available to choose from, and you can select a low-cost platform from among the many platforms available.
But new traders soon realise that what is generally called ‘common sense’ does not work in trading; what they have been taught – that there is a right way and a wrong way – does not seem to apply to trading. Why? The answer is simple: Our brains are not naturally wired for trading, but they can be rewired. And you will find out how in this book.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, reading  Badass Trader  can be a valuable way to learn, grow and improve your trading skills, setting you on a path to financial well-being. While both informative and practical, the book will also help to rewire your mind, stacking the odds of trading success in your favour so that you can get profitable quicker.

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