South African-born Jan Hendrik van der Westhuizen was raised on a rural farm in the north of the country. After completing an Advanced Diploma in Culinary Arts in Stellenbosch he furthered his studies with a bachelor’s degree in Applied Design and Photography. He worked as a contributing food editor for ELLE magazine in South Africa and Paris before relocating to Nice to open his own restaurant called JAN. Since its humble beginnings in 2013, JAN has garnered a reputation as one of the top restaurants in the south of France. This is Jan Hendrik’s second book, which continues the journey first started in The French Affair, also published by Struik Lifestyle.
Jan Hendrik van der Westhuizen het op ’n plaas in die noorde van Suid-Afrika grootgeword. Nadat hy die gevorderde diploma in kulinêre kookkuns op Stellenbosch voltooi het, verwerf hy ook ’n Baccalaureusgraad in toegepaste ontwerp en fotografie. Hy het as bydraende kosredakteur vir ELLE -tydskrif in Suid-Afrika en Parys gewerk voordat hy na Nice verhuis en JAN, sy eie restaurant, in 2013 begin het. JAN het sedertdien naam gemaak as een van die toprestaurante in die suide van Frankryk. Dit is Jan Hendrik se tweede boek en neem die reis wat in The French Affair (ook deur Struik Lifestyle uitgegee) begin het, verder.