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eSnakes Southern Africa

The essential snake ID app for all snakes indigenous to southern Africa.
Are you a reptile lover? Get to know all of southern Africa’s 171 snake species with this updated version of  eSnakes Southern Africa,  an app for your Apple and Android devices. Based on reptile expert Johan Marais’  A Complete Guide to the Snakes of Southern Africa , this handy app will help you identify all the region’s snakes by their size, pattern, colour, habitat and activity periods. The app supplies full descriptions of each species in English and Afrikaans, including information about scale counts, reproductive habits and geographical distribution. Emergency hospital contacts and first-aid information are also included – just in case you get a little too close!
This interactive version of Johan Marais’  A Complete Guide to the Snakes of Southern Africa  is an essential field guide for those visiting and living in the region with an interest in its snake species. It covers all 171 snakes indigenous to Southern Africa.
  • 171 southern African snake species 
  • Nearly 600 vibrant photographs, including size and head illustrations
  • Up-to-date, accurate information on family groups and individual species
  • Species text available in English and Afrikaans
  • Identify species by danger, head shape, scale, terrain, upperside or underside colour, pattern, size and habitat
  • Keep track of your sightings in a Life List
  • Compare two species side by side

You might also be interested in Johan Marais’s Snakebite First Aid app at